"Peace is what every human being is craving for, and it can be brought about by humanity through the child." -Maria Montessori

Peace education is a core tenant in Montessori education. Peace, meaning the inner peace and balance of the individual, which leads to a community of people at peace...then a society, and world, according to Dr. Montessori. At a very young age, the Primary Montessori child is introduced to a peace table or area, and often a peace rose or talking stick. The area provides a space for a child to go and breath and re-center. This area is sacred in the classroom and while a child is using the peace area, the others know not to disturb them. The peace area typically contains activities and prompts to calm the mind such as books, meditation trays with rakes, putty, wooden brain puzzles, and finger labyrinths. The peace rose or talking stick is a symbol used when one child brings it to another child signaling they want to talk things out and share feelings. This is modeled extensively by the Guide in the room early in the year. The children learn to take turns talking and listening and the turn is decided based on who is holding the peace rose. These simple, yet structured, conversations encourage young people to use their words to solve conflict, rather than violence. The peace area is a tool used by the child when they feel they need to take a break. What a life skill, right? To take a mindful minute to breath and refocus before reacting harshly or unproductively. This is a tool for life.
*Please enjoy the singing of this traditional Montessori song heard around the world in honor of peace... Light a Candle for Peace
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