"We should help the child therefore no longer because we think of him as a creature, puny and weak, but because he is endowed with great creative energies, which are of their nature so fragile as to need a loving and intelligent defense." -Maria Montessori
Children have many questions, about many things. And it is our job to give them the information they seek, either by answering directly or finding someone else who can. We may sway them to a reference book or even an online source. Children want to know all of the why's and the how's. They want to know how the stars came to be or what the first human being was like. They want to know how stuffed animals are made or where our food comes from. And the Montessori child especially craves such answers, often in as much detail as possible. Don't shy away from answering your children's questions. They trust you and depend on you to help them to understand and make sense of complex ideas and things. It is important we answer on their level, of course, with honesty, but also with discretion depending on the age of the child and the topic. And the Coronavirus is no different. Many parents have asked me how I am talking to my students and my own children about this health emergency. Well, I am being honest. It is a flu-like virus that is making people sick all over the world and the best thing we can do is wash our hands often and keep away from those who are not feeling well. Yes, I mention that the Coronavirus has taken people's lives but that the threat to most of us is still quite low. Then I wait for their questions, and answer honestly and matter-of-fact. Below is a great video put out by BrainPop, an educational website where children (and adults) can learn just about anything via a short, animated film. My children are 12, 8, and 5 and it was a great starting point for a conversation. BrainPop - Coronavirus
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