Thursday, May 28, 2020


"Children display a universal love of mathematics, which is par excellence the science of precision, order, and intelligence." -Dr. Maria Montessori
We are almost at the finish line. T-minus two weeks left of school. We have been supporting distance learning in a variety of ways and homeschooling our children for three months now. Wow. We have set up new routines and structures. New patterns. Some of these have worked and some have not. And that is okay. Our students have had to learn in a whole new way to learn, and for part of it, we have had to sit back and let them navigate it on their own. As a parent, I can attest, that this has been quite hard at times. For the children and for us. But it is also something I am beyond words proud of to have been a part of. To have this unexpected, precious time with all three of my children and to be able to observe their minds at work. To watch them grow and evolve before my very eyes. As a teacher, it has been incredible to witness my students' resiliency and flexibility. They have taught me so much about the importance of not looking back, or fretting about something down the road, but rather, to be in the present moment. I am grateful to each and every one of them.

At this point in the school year, whether we are in the classroom or at home in quarantine, the feelings are the same. A mix of sadness for the school year ending and the thought of missing our friends and teachers over the summer. But it is also exciting to look forward to summer adventures and what the next school year will be like. At my home, we are still keeping up with our morning and afternoon work cycle, but our extra activities have become more creative and free form. One thing we have been doing is patterning. This fosters math and spatial reasoning skills. It also encourages creativity and mindfulness. Patterns are all around us. Some patterns are more obvious such as in blocks or Legos, while some take an outside-the-box thinking such as in food, crayons, or items found in the laundry. And of course, there are some incredible patterns out there in nature- in flowers, rocks, leaves, sticks, or even clouds. 

Encourage your children to find or build some patterns. You might even find yourself joining in the fun! It is both relaxing and satisfying. And when they show you their work, ask them to tell you about it. Listen to what patterns they see or create. Hear their connections and observations. That is enough. And, IF a child wants to do more with their patterning, of course, they can draw or write about it. Some may want to create a story or play. Great! Anything goes. No expectations. No pushing them to do more. Just letting the patterns (and our children) come and be. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020


"Never underestimate the creative intelligence of a child." -Dr. Maria Montessori
Children are so good about using their imaginations. In their play, in the story-telling, in their Lego building, and in their writing. If left to it, they create their own games and often their own, little worlds. Their uninhibited nature leads to so many wonderful things, in and outside of the classroom. Dr. Montessori believed children are able to teach themselves, if given the right environment. Yes, this means Montessori materials and classrooms full of multi-aged children. But there is more to it. Children mostly need some space to breath and the freedom to explore. Its okay for parents to send kids off to play or work, without much direction. But, sometimes they need help from us to find this independence. Montessori teachers and parents alike, encourage children to make choices for themselves. Children don't all know how to ask with words, but will relish in this independence once it has been found. 

While living in Tucson, we saw rainbows all the time. We were talking about rainbows and how they form. We looked at pictures, read some books and watched a couple videos to help us understand. My idea was to draw or paint them. But, my middle child, who is very tactile, asked if she could make a rainbow. I asked for some ideas and she ran around the house "thinking". When she came back she asked if she could use food. Sure, why not, I replied. And we looked around the kitchen for supplies. She decided she could bring her rainbow to life using mostly fruit, and some marshmallows. What a great opportunity I had in front of me. To allow my child to use her imagination- and with very little assistance needed. We reviewed how to hold the knife when cutting, and off she went. She was focused, and happy, and satisfied with her efforts. Her idea brought to life. It was tangible. It was concrete. And, it was delicious! But it also allowed her creativity to come through. Her personality. Her spirit. And that is worth its weight in gold. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Hiking the Mountain

"If we compare our ability as adults to that of the child, it would require us sixty years of hard work to achieve what a child has achieved in (their) first three years." -Dr. Maria Montessori
In addition to being a mother and a Montessori teacher, I am an avid hiker. Being outdoors, surrounded by nature, truly feeds my soul. And if I can hike near an actual mountain, even better. Lately, I have been thinking about mountains and hiking and what I love about them so much. Hiking is peaceful, active, and a physical reminder to put your phone down and to be present. To smell the trees and dirt, to hear the sound of the birds chirping or the wind rustling through the leaves, and to feel the spray of water from a river or fall spread across your skin. Hiking alone or with my family of five- there is nothing more centering. At the same time, hiking can be hard, strenuous, and tiring. There are points at which you want to give up or turn around, and yet, you push yourself. You keep going. And the thrill of completing the hike, that sense of satisfaction and pride, makes it all worth it.

For me, there is a juxtaposition between hiking a big mountain and where we are right now. We have been home for 8 weeks- homeschooling, working, raising our families, keeping up with friends and extended family, all while trying to follow the social distancing recommendations. In essence, we have been on a long, strenuous hike. And if you are anything like me, there have certainly been moments when you have felt like the climb was difficult and exhausting. The learning curve has been steep. But, just like that, we are more than half way. We got to the top of our mountain, are finding our rhythm and making it work. We are better than making it work. The children are growing and developing, and we are ALL learning and evolving as human beings. We have started to descend now and I hope it is all downhill from here.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Trusting the Process

"Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child open up himself to life."  
-Dr. Maria Montessori
One of the wonders of Montessori education is the time given to the process. The freedom and flexibility to follow the student over the schedule. This translates to the time given to the formation of the child. Montessori children have a three year cycle to receive lessons, practice with the materials, and internalize new skills. And one could argue most Montessori children, in essence, have even more than three years seeing as Guides have countless lessons to provide scaffolding or additional challenge when needed. Its all about what is observed within the individual.

This concept of allowing the child time is not always easy to accept. Parents and teachers want their children and students to possess all the academic and social skills. And we want them to have these NOW. Am I right? Its easy to lose sight of whose path it truly is. But we must always bring it back to the child. We have to trust the process and know that young people learn on their own schedules, on their own time, and in their own ways. They will learn to read, become more proficient with their math facts, and build their writing skills. But if we push a child before they are ready, we create frustration. If we teach something too simplistic, we create indifference. Its only when we can allow the child to lead, to show us when they are ready to learn, that our goal can be accomplished.

Children want to take in all life has to offer. And they do! It's theirs for the taking, after all. By nature, children are open and ready to learn. Every day is something new. They want to know what new things are out there waiting for them to explore, to see and touch, to taste and smell. Sponges ready to absorb and soak in the world around them. Why? They trust the process.

Summer Montessori

"The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence." -Dr. Maria Montessor...