Friday, May 1, 2020

Trusting the Process

"Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child open up himself to life."  
-Dr. Maria Montessori
One of the wonders of Montessori education is the time given to the process. The freedom and flexibility to follow the student over the schedule. This translates to the time given to the formation of the child. Montessori children have a three year cycle to receive lessons, practice with the materials, and internalize new skills. And one could argue most Montessori children, in essence, have even more than three years seeing as Guides have countless lessons to provide scaffolding or additional challenge when needed. Its all about what is observed within the individual.

This concept of allowing the child time is not always easy to accept. Parents and teachers want their children and students to possess all the academic and social skills. And we want them to have these NOW. Am I right? Its easy to lose sight of whose path it truly is. But we must always bring it back to the child. We have to trust the process and know that young people learn on their own schedules, on their own time, and in their own ways. They will learn to read, become more proficient with their math facts, and build their writing skills. But if we push a child before they are ready, we create frustration. If we teach something too simplistic, we create indifference. Its only when we can allow the child to lead, to show us when they are ready to learn, that our goal can be accomplished.

Children want to take in all life has to offer. And they do! It's theirs for the taking, after all. By nature, children are open and ready to learn. Every day is something new. They want to know what new things are out there waiting for them to explore, to see and touch, to taste and smell. Sponges ready to absorb and soak in the world around them. Why? They trust the process.

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Summer Montessori

"The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence." -Dr. Maria Montessor...